Deborah Harkness is a historian and, well, it shows. Guess what I'm not? A historian. Oddly, I always loved History class; in fact I would win prizes for Social Studies and History in High School. I think I got an A in Western Civ in college too. It turns out my talent was for understanding history, not in remembering it. I think it's because I mastered the history essay. It always included: decreasing natural resources caused neighboring countries' conflict, and what at first appearance was a religious dispute, the war was merely a subterfuge for increasing land holdings and therefore regional power. Right? Put that in your essay. You are starting with a B and can only go up. Anyway, there are lots of Elizabethan references and I have no idea what she is talking about. I think there was a reference to Giordano Bruno, but I tracked that because he was featured on Cosmos recently. I think I took classes in Ancient History, so in my mind, 400 years ago is pretty recent. Also, I just like saying Visigoths.
Like the first book, these characters drink a lot of wine. I looked up what they drank in Elizabethan times and only rich people drank wine and that's when they could get it. Now, these guys are rich, but a more common drink was ale. Not "beer" but ale. Dogfish Head Brewery has an Ancient Ale Series and one is called Midas Touch. They describe it as somewhere between wine and mead. They claim it is "made with ingredients found in 2,700-year-old drinking vessels from the tomb of King Midas." I don't think they mean 2,700 year old ingredients, I think they mean the same type of ingredients. Otherwise, that's one hell of a sourdough starter. I think it sounds kind of good, and Dogfish, they haven't let me down yet, so drink it.