Station Eleven sounds like it would be outer-space Sci-Fi but its more dystopian Sci-Fi and it's very good. Shakespeare comes up in this novel quite a bit. And actors, and killing too. No lawyers, but some musicians. Kill all the flutists! That doesn't seem right. Although I could use a flute as a weapon, but I am much more comfortable with an oboe.
Wait, I remember time without the Internet where unanswered trivia debates were settled by feats of strength and my spelling mistakes exposed me as the idiot that I am. I suppose I could survive without it but I'm really hoping I never have to find out. Also, I like electricity and clean water and not getting ambushed and killed.
Drinks: God, without the Internet--what else is there? A future dystopian hot summer deserves a super refreshing drink. Paloma: 1/4 cup grapefruit juice, 1 tablespoon lime juice, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1/4 cup tequila 1/4 cup club soda. First, rim your glass with some grapefruit juice and salt. Combine the grapefruit juice, lime juice and sugar in a glass and stir until dissolved. Stir in tequila and add ice top with the club soda. Garnish with a grapefruit wedge.
There is a variation on this drink that just uses Tequila and grapefruit soda (like Squirt) and as plebeian as that sounds... it's very good, super refreshing.