Even her failures are successes. Well, I didn't get my essay published in the New York Times, but I did get it published on Huffington Post. FU, lady. Well, I should have known, anyone that lives in Manhattan is already rich, then she said that she had a "bedroom" and an "office." You have rooms! You must be a millionaire. Then she drops the O'Connor bomb. When trying to "declutter" she can't bear to part with the T-shirt she wore to an aerobics class with Justice O'Connor, whom she was working for at the time. Ugh. Now, a good editor is not going to tell you not to put that in, but a good friend or husband might. She needs a Keepin' it Real project. Of course, I know lots of overachievers who need that. Maybe that's what keeps me from being an overachiever. That and all those rat testicles I ate on Fear Factor.
I feel like any drink should make you happy. If your drinks are not making you happy, perhaps you have bigger problems than this book can solve. One that I made up that makes me happy is my version of a Gimlet. A classic gimlet uses Rose's Lime juice or Lime Cordial. My version: 2 ounces gin, 3/4 ounce lime juice, 1/2 ounce simple syrup (or to taste). Add ice and shake, pour into a martini glass.
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